About Me
Driven PhD student in Quantum Machine Learning with a passion for bridging the gap between theory and application. Prior industry experience as a Deep Learning Developer at @Myelin Foundry. Currently, I’m researching ML algorithms to improve NISQ computer performance at @MPS-Lab.
Where I’m looking to go : My current goal is to complete a PhD in Quantum Machine Learning and contribute to the development of this emerging and interdisciplinary field.
Stuff I’m good with:
- languages -> | | | | | | | | |
machine_learning -> | | | | |
- frameworks -> | | | | |
- dev_ops -> | | | | | | |
Feel free to message me on LinkedIn anytime.
Always ready to talk Tech, Machine Learning, Quantum Computing, K-Pop or Anime.
Quantum Polar Metric Learning: Efficient Classically Learned Quantum Embeddings Pre-Print
Sharma, Vinayak and Shrivastava, Aviral
@misc{sharma2023quantum, title = {Quantum Polar Metric Learning: Efficient Classically Learned Quantum Embeddings}, author = {Sharma, Vinayak and Shrivastava, Aviral}, year = {2023}, eprint = {2312.01655}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {quant-ph}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.01655}, preprint = {true} }
Arizona State University
, Tempe
[PhD] Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
Present - 2024
Arizona State University
, Tempe
[MSc] Master of Science in Computer Science
2024 - 2022
GPA: 4.0/4.0
SRM Institute of Science & Technology
, Kattankulathur
[B.Tech] Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering
GPA: 8.98/10
Brief Information
An award given every 6 months to the member of the team having the biggest impact on the organization. I was given this award for my contribution to mulitple projects and setting up processes within the organization. The ‘Maya’ project was a special point of focus which helped us gain additional contracts from our client.
Brief Information
Our team placed first for our paper - “Intracranial Hemorrhage Detection using Neural Network methods”. In the paper we outlined various methods and analyzed their performace. The aim was to provide a safe and efficient way to detect “Intracranial Hemorrhages”, with minimal need of a doctor.
Brief Information
For our work in designing a new framework for Online Handwritting Recognition in Bengali and Tamil, the Samsung Research Institute awarded us with a certificate of excellence. Our approach utilized large pre-trained text prediction models to augment a recurrent CNN.
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Youtube Interview
Interview by College
Calm, composed and patient- these are the words that may not describe Vinayak Sharma. However, intelligent, passionate and helpful, that's more like him. A syndicate at the McCarthy lab of NextTech, Vinayak has made a name for himself in the field of Machine Learning. His love for the bleeding edge led him into the world of Quantum Computing. Vinayak is the first one to delve into the exciting field. However, he doesn't stop there. He believes in sharing and ensures that all of the members of the lab are up-to-date. that makes him "cool". In a field where everything is a "maybe", he has almost every answer. This itself is a testament to his impeccable work ethic. Well, we're gonna stop here and let Vinayak do the magic. Watch this video to learn about his experience, work, and perspective of the ever-growing world of technology.